Monday, May 30, 2011

Must be Monday...

Around the Munger home, Mondays can be slightly hectic. I have to go back to work.  Dear Husband has to go back to work, and Eva is well...needy. She whines more. She wants to be held more. She feels the disturbance in the force. The Family Force. She has always been this way on Mondays. Her sleep is always off, she usually gets up before 6 am, has late naps and goes to bed late. Since I started running, there is the added routine on Monday. It seems to have helped her. She is more relaxed and tends to not be as needy. And I have figured it out. Today, we couldnt go running. I have the week off but ironically , my jeep's brakes went out and we needed to get them fixed. Her routine was off. Right? WRONG.  Its me. Its my stress that she is feeding off of. Its my worry. I was very stressed while waiting for the final $$ estimate. Then wondering if it would get done in time. Waiting anxiously at home by the stupid phone. When we finally picked up the jeep at 4 pm- that is when our day started getting BETTER.  My sweet baby said " its a great day huh,  momma?"  " Yes baby it is a great day. " I did not get a chance to go running. Instead I colored and cut bricks and sticks, and hay for a ship that my daughter wants to build to get away fromn the wolfie. We made raccoon and duckie paper puppets- oh so fun! And of course, ate yummy food!  Four hours later at an UNPRECEDENTED TIME... she was winding down from her bath and bedtime routine...She fell asleep at 9. Shes my little precious, and I forget so much because she can communicate so well. I forget what a little conduit she still is to her mother. She feels my stress and worry as much as I do. And I have always hated Mondays because I have to leave her. But all she feels is the stress. She doesn't understand the why....I am blogging this because I think its a real breakthrough to our children's behaviors. Can we step outside of the "trouble" and check on our own mood and temperment of the moment. Perhaps, just perhaps we are the cause...The funny thing about the running is that it has released me from the work stress VERY QUICKLY  after work...which is of course why my little E has been better when I run. I am EMOTIONALLY BETTER.  Geez, Nellie is gonna have a hay day with this one!
On another note, we Type A personalities always strive to do more with our days than can really be done, then FEEL BADLY  when its not accomplished. BALANCE  is my mantra word  for the year...not for my running mind you- thats usually - Go, or breathe, or just working on a really cool word that can make me go but I am a rudimentary runner. Like if anyone asked me what I think about when I am at the breaking point of the run and just want to quit and get a ice cream cone, I am counting. Simple counts, 1...2... then to 20 then to 40 then to 60 then back to the beginning. All these gazelle runners with their long lean legs all  primed for leaping ...they probably have some cool word like warrior princess HA! .....HEHEHEHEH ok I am gonna stop the ramble train right there. Can you tell I missed running today? Have a week off from my paying job. So happy about that.  Missed blogging these last few weeks. Really really exited its June in one day. I love June! Its not blazing hot, my veggies are starting to blossom- which meand I should have some zuccinis any DAY NOW ( they magically grow overnight you know) and some tomatoes too- though my poor maters have some little buggies on em....gonna have to go google that!
Happy monday ya'll!

Friday, May 13, 2011

RUNNING...AHEM..sort of!

This is my story. I have ALWAYS  wanted to run a 5 k....since Utah, when I would run 1 mile and be so proud and when I had to walk to work every day2.5 miles each way ...I realized my favorite form of exercise is done OUTSIDE.  I will always always remember the grape vines  draping one house's fence  that changed through the seasons. I was so in touch with so much spiritually when I lived in Utah, and part of that I really do attribute to my "enforced" walking to work. That aside I never could really RUN   past 1 mile. My asthma and my right leg never made it easy. And I stopped trying.
And when I moved to California- I didn't need to walk to work, I had a car, I slipped into exercise videos and 5 yrs ago- when my mom died...I stopped even that.  Life gets busy. 
But I still wanted to do the 5 k. This year is a big year for me. I AM 40. Its been 5 yrs since mom passed, and I REALLY WANT TO GET INTO SHAPE. So in April I picked a 5 k a month out - The Susan G.Komen on May 7th, 2011 and did the first step-TOLD EVERYONE . A lot of people said great good job, GO FOR IT!  A few even said they would run with me! YAY! One faithful, brave girl decided to TRAIN  with me. Actually Nellie isn't just a girl. She's my running angel. The first day I forgot my inhaler. And almost passed out.Literally! Nellie chose a great trail path that is paved and runs around lovely grasses - we even saw a coyote a few days ago!!! I saw those grasses wave and lurch...oh geez am I outta shape I thought!  I barely walked a mile. I thought I was crazy. I knew I was crazy. The rest of the day I wheezed like an old cat and coughed up phlem...and remembered my inhaler the next day. Yup . I went again. Additionally, I kept going. I was not fast at first. I walk almost every 1/2 mile - STILL. It is a goal to maintain speed consistently, and get to running the whole way...step by step, I keep running...jogging..pushing. I  started counting 1...2...1...2...little Riley- Nellies daughter has been imprinted so much she counts like that when she pushes HER STROLLER .....poor baby...cute though!  And we ran. Two days I ran by myself . Once I ran with my husband.  And our best timed day was two days before our race....but that really was only part of it. I am here to say that part of the training was getting to finish that 5 k, but part of me began to my head. I crave the run now . I look forward to it. I still do not run perfectly...but oh how I love that feeling of accomplishment I get when its done. So many times I have cried big fat tears on these runs. I have cursed and yelled at Nellie- to her credit she yelled right back..shes actually more like running angel warrior....The big day loomed and everyone dropped their race plans with me except Nellie. Our babies stay home with their daddies so we could be warrior women.
 THOUSANDS  were scheduled to appear . We decided to be true go getter types and got up SUPER EARLY  to get there before 6:15 . We beat the crowds . And stood around and waited. and watched There was the zaniness of the breast cancer awareness groups  and then there was - all the professional runners in their cute little outfits and tight little bodies and precious little mercury speedy type shoes....doing crazy mantra type poses that I couldn't even do for seconds- much less for long MINUTES. I admit I was envious of their skill...I would love to be somewhat like that someday. We got asked if we were doing the walk. Nope we are here to run...we may not be like the "gazelles" (pro runners) but we were going to be part of the timed RACE. So Nellie said we are stay alivers..I like it. We are. We stay alive. We keep moving . We show up each run day and suck in some air and sweat and get all red faced and we ROCK THAT RED FACE! Something about Miss Nellie. We have been in the same Church congregation for 4 years and I have just gotten to know her through running...and it should have been sooner...she is awesome. We have many similarities and maybe because she is so very nice, we get along.We all know I can be a bit too much at times ;)  And and added bonus our two gorgeous daughters play very nicely together!  here are the pics of the race!
nellie and i are so cute pre race- all naive! look at our happy smiles!

nellies grandma

yup thats some of the 22,000!!!(we are in the front!)

we so did it!

oh, and my time...42.05- not bad for a cerebral palsic, asthmatic lazy white girl who started running april 11!!!!Oh and I hurt my right calf muscle and ran with a shin splint ...that kind of sucked ! (and under my goal by 3 minutes~!) The runners were nice and I WILL BE DOING IT AGAIN...MY NEW GOAL- 35 MINUTES OR LESS