Thursday, June 16, 2011


MARRIAGE....This is our story and what I have learned. Everyone has a different idea of what it means to them. I grew up in my dreams. My dreams are what kept me sane. I would make up stories about my future husband and children and fall asleep planning our futuristic vacations and birthday parties.
I believed in the fairy tale version. I believed in love at first sight....
And boy did I get that!
My husband and I will tell you that we met at a  LDS Church dance- he totally not active, me not wanting to date the bad boy. But on a date we went. And magic ensued. I can still remember when we were walking into the restaurant, he grabbed my hand and in the heat of the night a quick and cool breeze came over us and it seemed like it was always meant to be this way, and we would never be apart again.
 And so , we fell in love. That crazy kind where you just cannot ever imagine yourself with anyone else ever again, no matter what.  Its still like that.
We had our road blocks along the way. I was active, he was firmly NOT. But he has supported me while I go off to church and teach Sunday School, Relief Society and Nursery.

We had a good two years where we were ...ahem, gettting to appreciate eachothers ..ahem...faults. It sucked for him that I am a very emotional person to his quite "Vulcan" characteristic. I grew up in a volatile home and struggle with anger, even now, years later. It sucked for me that he never got flustered. It was one of my FAVORITE  things about him- he is calm under pressure. Even my raging emotional pressure. He  IS  perfect for me.
And I realized, along the way, that though there is love at first sight for some of us...the fairy tale often includes cleaning toilets and and sharing your sink space. It means that you have to make compromises and sacrifices and you have to put that person first even when they don't always remember that rule. And mostly it means RESPECT. AND TRUST.
I have always deffered to my husband. In my Church, we teach that a man should lead in the home. It gives order during chaos...and the wife should lead right next to him. I like that my husband is the head and leader.It is in similitude of Christ and his Church....For Christ loved his Church- his children- even somuch as to die for them, and so He asks the men to lift themselves up to that standard.
 I like that I picked a man so perfect for me, and that I can trust him to make the right decisions for our family. He hasn't always been considerate of my tenderest feelings. But then, same goes for me. I have forgotten at times that those who don't wear their emotions on their sleeves dont do it because they are cold, but because they are even more sensitive!  But if he wants to do something, I trust him.
It has gotten us here. With a beautiful home and gorgeous intelligent daughter and a relationship that in the last many months has been blossoming like our dating days. I feel like I am gushing about this man. I am sure those who know me our sick and tired of Frank did this and Frank did that.....ha. But let me tell you what FRank did. He opened his heart, and asked a question. Began reading the scriptures a little over three months ago. Specifically, the Book Of Mormon. This week he finished the Book of Mormon. And I asked him what he thought of it when he was done and he answer was simple. "I love it." "I know it will continue to help me for the rest of my life"  Many would say...Frankie? Going to Church. YES. And happy to do it? YES. and is it blessing our little family and bringing JOY  beyond measure. YES. So This week, for my anniversary-my husband gave me something I never thought would happen in this life. Knowledge that HE loves the Church Like I do. And NOW  we are spiritually yoked and I feel more than  humbled to be his wife. And our family will continue to be blessed and I believe in miracles. If you have never had an opportunity, read the Book of Mormon. Ask yourself, with an open heart is this true? And see if God doesn't perform a miracle in your life.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


 Tonight I went for my run with Eva. It was sunny and cool and 7 pm. When we got out, there was a man that also got out of his car with his  preteen son and went ahead on the trail. There were many on the trail tonight and I was pumped just to be back on familiar ground. I thought nothing of it. Except a little voice said, " Watch him."
Well I didn't see him again until the fork in the path . He wasn't exercising , he was pacing. With his cell phone. Boy was gone.  And the little voice said Get away. Well, I WAS running and almost at the 1 mile point.....only 2 more miles to go.. I started pushing myself and pulled a muscle in my right calf...and that voice then said Stop. Go to the playground. Now mind you, my inner lazy girl is usually begging for me to stop and whining but not today. I quieted her down with my Ipod music. Still heard it AGAIN-LEAVE. JUST LEAVE.
 So I turned around. I just left. And that man had been following me.....he turned around when he saw me and pretended to talk on the phone. Eva and I went to the playground. And that is where his child was. I let Eva play and then we left. I was totally worried the whole time. I left when others were leaving. That man was just leaving as I got to my car.
I am still  a little freaked. And grateful . Grateful for that Still Small Voice- The Holy Ghost- that prompted me to safety.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

sleep is overated

Monday experiment went well...Eva did not seem stressed all day. She just seemed exhausted. Laid around saying she was tired. This is from thr 3 yr old who runs for a 1/2 mile laughing....I was sure she would take a nap.  NOPE!   She was what we call CRISPY all day tired and wwhiny (definition of crispy: So fried from the are "crispy")
She passed out FINALLY  at 9:30. But woke up this morning WIDE EYED AND BUSHY TAILED  5:30 am.
Poor Frankie. I had to go to work. He had to work with a bouncy toddler through the morning hours-not his favorite time of the day... Then my dear sweet, precious baby girl takes a 5 hr nap this afternoon. I got to take a nap too! and then I  caught up on a little blog reading and goofing off, and added a blinkie or 2....aren't they cute?
Luckily, Eva only sleeps like  that in the afternoon once a month. Hopefully this was June's. It means I get to be up SUPER LATE. Bummer.
I am jealous of parents who put their precious children down at 7 pm and they sleep 12 hrs straight. Even 8 pm....lucky dogs.
 I work at 6 am- so super late makes me cranky and want to be a slug. And because Eva did her long nap, we have to visit Grandma tonight and I am missing my very important run. I have to do 9 miles by Saturday I also wanted to do a 5k by myself on Saturday before Nellie and I return to our routine and she devises even more "Death to Ruth" workout plans. hahaha I love it! Who am I kidding?