Monday experiment went well...Eva did not seem stressed all day. She just seemed exhausted. Laid around saying she was tired. This is from thr 3 yr old who runs for a 1/2 mile laughing....I was sure she would take a nap. NOPE! She was what we call CRISPY all day tired and wwhiny (definition of crispy: So fried from the are "crispy")
She passed out FINALLY at 9:30. But woke up this morning WIDE EYED AND BUSHY TAILED 5:30 am.
Poor Frankie. I had to go to work. He had to work with a bouncy toddler through the morning hours-not his favorite time of the day... Then my dear sweet, precious baby girl takes a 5 hr nap this afternoon. I got to take a nap too! and then I caught up on a little blog reading and goofing off, and added a blinkie or 2....aren't they cute?
Luckily, Eva only sleeps like that in the afternoon once a month. Hopefully this was June's. It means I get to be up SUPER LATE. Bummer.
I am jealous of parents who put their precious children down at 7 pm and they sleep 12 hrs straight. Even 8 pm....lucky dogs.
I work at 6 am- so super late makes me cranky and want to be a slug. And because Eva did her long nap, we have to visit Grandma tonight and I am missing my very important run. I have to do 9 miles by Saturday I also wanted to do a 5k by myself on Saturday before Nellie and I return to our routine and she devises even more "Death to Ruth" workout plans. hahaha I love it! Who am I kidding?
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