Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday turned to FunDay!

I started my very first Online class with the (soon to be Miss Art's in May).
The Class is titled All about me and its concept is simple using old cracker boxes and cereal boxes to make a multimedia mini album about yourself- learning cool techniques along the way.... taught by the gifted Bethany Kartchner of Creative Ruminations. Its only $5.00 a month- YAY!

So I cut out my cracker /cereal boxes. And showed my seriously devoted husband. He is devoted because he thinks I am crazy to save these boxes, and he raised his cute eyebrows at me when I showed him all the cut out pieces. But he lets me create...and doesn't throw the boxes away! 

Today I  started to glued some of the pieces together. Well. I put little E to work or her own paint project, at our table right in front me. I okayed the use of hands as paint brushes and thats where my creative process stopped and Mommy clean up began.  As a three year old, her inate responsibility is to creatively destroy as quickly as possible - she took a mix of her paints now a green gobliny mess and smooshed them all over her hands and down and put hand prints on my refrigerater, the cabinents and the wall...and dripped all along the floor and the started painting herself....I was too frazzled and frustrated to take a picture of the after....heres the cute beforenotice her talented two handed process? She ADORES PAINT-

I decided to make HER PART OF MY PROCESS  and let her Gesso her little heart out....heres the Gesso-ing pics:

notice the different dress and the towel from the clean up?


THE COOL  juice box tops-cant you just see the peek a-boo possibilities?
As I said in the intro  forum for the class...I believe there wa a reason this class was in April- 5 yrs after the death of my mom. She loved to paint- in this class I  have to paint - a lot- I am going to be using her brayer, some of her beads, but this will be about me. And I am excited at this age of forty to be exploring where I have been and where I am going . When she passed I stopped EVERYTHING  creative. I just couldnt do it. I boexed it up and it gathered dust- until Eva was born. Thanks to my desire to chronicle her life- I started up again. And I am going to share my little creative process here - By the way- got a lot done this weekend - but not everything and thats ok.... I can conquer the world one day at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so LOVE that pop can box. Can't wait to see that completed!

    I can so relate to the kid painting mess. Whew. Just reading about it stressed me out. :)
