Thursday, July 7, 2011

Medical News

Well...on the broken body front.....
I have beeen referred to a WONDERFUL DOCTOR  who handles CP and MS and other nuero problems on a regular basis. She gave me some very helpful information. I have hurt my affected leg. Due to that my CP has gone into "Overdrive" causing my leg to spasm, contract, and give me my fabulous limp drag that so resembles Quasi moto in Hunchback from Notre Dame. She assures me that injuries in people with CP exacerbate CP symptoms and she  has me on NO ACTIVITY  for a couple more weeks. She believes if I TOTALLY REDUCE MY ACTIVITY  my leg should heal. And I cried as she told me NO MORE hard repetitive weight bearing activity. Never? No more running EVER? Not unless I want furthur injury, arthritis, Degenerative joint disease. She does not recommend it. So I cried.
Then she had me crying all over again as she told me my CTS in my left hand and arm is most likely Work related and needed to be dealt with through those channels.
She reminded me that typing jobs were not beneficial to my disability. Sigh.
"Ruth guess What you are disabled." I told her "I don't like to think of myself that way." She said why must you put such a negative connotation with it. It just is.
Then she gave me modified work duties, which I will not describe, but I cried again. Lets just say I am sucking through my time.
More appointments tomorrow.
Did I mention I am not so good with change? Guess I should not have kept asking God for patience.
Gotta stop typing now.
More later.


  1. Oh Ruthie I love you!! Just remember that every challenge is really an opportunity. I know you will come out of this even stronger and will consider this a blessing in a way you cannot even see yet. (eventually) As someone with a disability who does not like to been seen as such, I completely get it. But you have to listen to your body and rest. Discover a plan B and go with may love it even more than what you're doing now! :o)

  2. Aww chica I am so sorry to hear this... I am sure there is other exercise that you will be able to do like swimming. I have never been fond of running myself. Sending you lots of hugs and good healing vibes! I will be off work soon due date is coming up fast!
