Saturday, March 31, 2012

Brace time!

OK,  so all during the series casting, I was uncomfortable. Sometimes it was painful. And I kept living for the dream. The dream when I could get this brace, and all my worries and troubles would end. You know what's probably comin right? 
The trouble: Earlier this week I fell twice in the same day. It was when I was walking down a step, and AGAIN-IN A HURRY.  Sigh, will I ever learn? On the second fall my left foot caught the doorstep and my ankle/foot twisted backwards- I could feel it as I went down-in my head I knew it was going to break... and as I thought that I felt a push and landed on my right side of my butt. Oh the pain. I saw lights. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. All in front of my husband and daughter. My husband said it looked like I broke my ankle. They were very worried. I couldn't speak or move for several minutes so excruciating was the pain. The whole reason for the rush was to capture our little kitten who escaped out the front door- she is not allowed outside and then she got spooked by a big scary dog- so I breathed out "GET JINXIE" He was like no-you are hurt- but I said please and he went chasing after our silly mischievous cat.  My little empathatic daughter stayed right by my side, quiet as a mouse, waiting. I didn't even realize she was there. Now for those of you who know my daughter-you also know she has her mama's gift for gab. Bless her heart, she must have been so scared. She just sat down by my head and waited. When I opened my eyes she was there, and I said oh, Eva,I'm ok, and she just put her hand on my hand and we waited for Frank to come back. It wasn't more than a  few minutes but it seemed extraordinarily long. And I was in so much pain, I didn't dare try to stand. Frankie helped me up and placed me on the couch. You can't really break a butt cheek, but you can create a big, giant knot ball of pain. As we talked about what happened, I realized, I have an angel by my side. Had I not been "pushed" I would have broken my ankle. My husband could not believe my left ankle was fine. Does everyone understand the magnitude of that? My good ankle being broken? I would have been wheelchair bound for the time it takes to heal. With one hand to push the wheelchair. SO I WAS SAVED. This week I have been sitting on my left side and I went off the exercise. My right side is all jiggly and uncooperative when I walk, and that could mean more exercise has to be limited. I am grateful for my unseen angel friend- but I ain't pushing my luck! 
So my brace is gonna stop the falling. I love the idea of my brace. 
I got my brace yesterday afternoon, and  it isn't what I expected. It's  very uncomfortable. My orthotist was pleased as punch at the mention of my discomfort-good he said. Where?I showed him where and he explained that my discomfort was because the brace is literally forcing my foot to not pronate outwards...thus discomfort.NO PRONATION=NO FALLING. As my foot complies to the brace, and the muscles start to grow correctly, my discomfort will decrease. This week I am to wear it for a little while and take it off for a little while. Absolutely no exercising in it for now. I started thinking of horses and wondered if this is how you break a horse into saddle wearing.
I walk slower and its slightly painful. And the weight is unfamiliar so I 'm a little limpy. I wore it for an hour and a half and it exhausted my foot and leg. I am also feeling the tightness of my long underused or inappropriately used muscles stretching. 
As I was chatting with a friend I told her I have to start over again- and she reminded me but this is the LAST TIME I have to start over again. Nothing worthwhile is easy. 
From here on out its forward HO....
Day one-done. 

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