Thursday, March 8, 2012

Broken Mirrors

For the last few days I been having a recurring dream. It involves me playing with Eva, and we are near a mirror. This is not unusual, however, during our play, the mirror shatters into many pieces, and sometimes even lands in my skin. There is no terror only humor as we laugh it off, and clean up the mess. But what does it mean?
I am a big dreamer. Dreams have always helped me to overcome and make sense of my inner self. I feel it is a gift and have even had prayers TRULY ANSWERED IN MY DREAMS.
So I was totally confused about broken mirrors. The funny thing is I wasn't worried, and neither was Eva. It was like a good thing. But in one of the dreams the mirror scarred me.
So I did a google search on dream interpretation and found this from
"To break a mirror in your dream suggests that you are breaking an old image of yourself. You may be putting an end to an old habit. Breaking a mirror is also an old symbol for seven years of bad luck. To see a cracked or broken mirror in your dream. represents a poor or distorted self-image. Alternatively, it means that you have put an end to your old habits and ways."

WOW!  Am I ever happy to see that! Now you can believe in dream interpretation or not, I don't really mind if you think its all a crock...some of it is. But sometimes its our inner self..our spirit trying to tell us something. And if we listen to that inner self, we just might be blessed . 
There are many commitments and changes I have made to myself since most important one- to have control over my bouts of anger. And it is exciting to me that in my dream, Eva seemed to be so happy. It is significant that this one act will completely change her childhood. There is nothing I can do to thank my Heavenly Father for helping me to realize what anger does to others. 
We are changing our diets around here too. I have quit caffeine...I have an occasional soda  when at a restaurant, but  more often than not, I choose water.. I have gotten my husband...who doesn't eat veggies, to try spinach in a green smoothie, spinach in an omelet, and just tonight...he took spinach off my plate and ate it! WOW! I  am so proud of him! 
I have been drinking fruit smoothies with protein every morning, and feel so alive! So in control. There are alot of carbs, so I need to work on that, but, well..its a START!
Due to my disability, I have to modify my exercise, and be grateful for what I can do. It is HARD for me to admit this. I hate seeing the disability. I like to pretend that it is not there. But my body cannot put up with my pretending anymore. I MUST MODIFY.  I must slow down. I MUST.
It breaks my heart that April is coming and I won't be running. I was thinking about it tonight. Running was easy, put one foot in front of the other...exercise like Zumba is not easy.  I am not coordinated. I have a hard time making my limbs do things-much less  aerobically- I feel like a fish out of water, with my tongue stuck to the side of my mouth...but I AM GONNA KEEP TRYING. Exercise is good for my broken body...MODIFIED.
But someday friends,when I am with our Father in Heaven I am going to ask Him to let my feet fly...and I am going to go on one GLORIOUS RUN....I hope to have a few friends running with me..enjoying the path.


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